What is the full form of TRP

           What is the full form  of  TRP ?

      Television Rating Point.          


      It is a tool which give the information that how popular a television program is . It is beneficial for the advertiser to put the advertisement in between the program which is more popular . The popularity of any program is directly proportional to TRP.

                How is calculated  ?

To calculate the TRP , the only agency INTAM ( indian television audience measurement ) works on two principles.:-

1) Frequency monitoring method

In this method , a device called people meter is attached to the TV sets of few thousand viewers .
These devices track the viewer's time of watching any program . Then  for any program , 30 days estimate is calculated. It is not possible to track every tv sets because people meter is so costly .

2) picture matching technique 

In picture matching technique ,people meter records the small portion of the program which is watched . And after that rating is given to the program.
